Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Tenant

Knowing your rights and responsibilities as a tenant will protect you during your tenancy duration. If you don’t know what you’re responsible for, you may fall into a conflict with the landlord. Likewise, if you don’t know the landlord’s responsibility, you may be susceptible to forced evictions or sudden rent [...]

2024-05-21T17:23:49+03:00January 3rd, 2022|Tenancy Tips, Blog, End of Tenancy Cleaning Tips|

Leaving an Apartment a Mess: Here is What you Need to Know

Moving out from your old apartment to your new place is both exciting and tiring at the same time. However, in most leases, if not all, leaving an apartment a mess can cause you some problems, including losing your security deposit. However, having a lot on your plate to [...]

2024-05-21T16:47:07+03:00May 1st, 2020|Blog, End of Tenancy Cleaning Tips, Tenancy Tips|

Can Landlords Deduct From Security Deposits?

The answer is a simple yes, they can. But not without reason. That’s why the lease agreement exists which precludes landlord unfair deposit deductions. To protect you or your landlord from any wrongdoings. As long as your deposit was paid after 06.04.07, your deposit is protected by a government-backed [...]

2023-07-05T00:12:02+03:00April 15th, 2020|Blog, End of Tenancy Cleaning Tips, Tenancy Tips|
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