Our upholstered furniture is one of our precious things to look after in our homes. Or maybe you are in a furnished rental and need to take care of the furniture to avoid deposit deductions. Whatever the case, blood is one of our least favourite stains. The haemoglobin in it starts acting as a binder with the fibres on contact with oxygen. You’ll want to get it out as fast as possible, before any bacteria and viruses have time to be attracted. Here are our tips and tricks on how to get bloodstains out of upholstered furniture.

blood haemoglobin

Types of Upholstery

Before we start the cleaning process, you might want to get acquainted with the types of upholstery. You always need to be properly informed before attempting to treat your upholstery. You don’t want to end up doing any damage to your furniture.

types of upholstery

  • Acrylic – very durable, colourfast, easy to clean.
  • Olefin – very durable, colourfast, easy to clean.
  • Polyester – durable, easy to clean, low-moderate abrasion resistance.
  • Nylon – durable, high abrasion resistance, easy to clean.
  • Rayon – not very durable, low-moisture cleaning.
  • Leather – easiest to clean, wipe as soon as you notice stains.
  • Wool – less stain-resistant, difficult to clean.
  • Cotton – not fade-resistant, tricky to clean.

how to get bloodstains out of upholstered furniture

We can’t stress how important it is to heavily research upholstery care as per fibre type. We recommend using professional upholstery cleaners. But, if you need to lift the stain as quickly as possible, carry on reading to find out how to get bloodstains out of upholstered furniture.

How to Get Blood Stains out of Upholstered Furniture


  1. In the case that the stain has dried before you get to it, get an old toothbrush and brush away any of the dried residue before carrying on with the next steps.
  2. If possible, take the cover off your upholstered furniture (pillow cushions, seat cushion covers, etc.). If you can, take it off and rinse it with cold water. Rinse out as much of the blood as you can.
  3. If not possible, get an absorbent cloth or sponge, soaked with cold water. Start gently blotting the area from the outside of the stain in. Rinse the sponge or cloth as you go along. Carry on until you get as much of the stain out.
  4. Now mix a cup of cold water with a bit of soda water and pour it onto the area. Use a sponge and continue gently blotting the stain.
  5. Repeat step 4 as the stain starts to lift. When the sponge stops lifting any of the blood, that’s the time to stop.
  6. Mix 80% water with 10% glycerine and 10% laundry detergent with a smidgeon of fairy liquid into a spray bottle and shake well before use.
  7. Spray 2 or 3 times on the stain.
  8. Scrub with a sponge using circular motions until the stain gradually starts to lighten further.
  9. If needed repeat step 8 a few times.
  10. Once the stain is lifted, get a bowl of clean cool water and rinse away any of the mixture and suds with a clean cloth.

Need Professional Upholstery Cleaners?

professional upholstery cleaning

Do you have bloodstains or other grime that you just can’t seem to get out of your upholstery? Sometimes they just need a bit of professional love and attention. Don’t hesitate to contact Crown Cleaners with any inquiries you may have. Check out our stain removal service and get your free quote today!

Read also: How to Clean Car Upholstery Seats Yourself.